Series date: 
07/26/2023 - 12:01am CDT to 09/30/2024 - 11:59pm CDT

September 15, 2023 

Mercy Medical Group
3000 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95816

Please check back at a later time for the Agenda.

Course Director

Ankita Sagar, MD
System Vice President for Clinical Standards and Variation Reduction
CommonSpirit Health, Physician Enterprise

Needs Statement

In 2022, Clinical Standards and Variation Reduction under the leadership of Physician Enterprise performed a needs assessment in the form of a clinician-facing survey on perceptions, confidence, and self-identified clinical knowledge gaps across primary care physicians and APPs in California.

Of the 31 responses received, it is evident that while primary care physicians and APPs have the desire to care for patients from the LGBTQ+ community, there is a significant self-perceived knowledge gap and the clinicians are motivated to participate in further training.

This training will help to improve access to evidence-based care for patients identifying as members of the LGBTQ+ community. In particular, provide continued medical education accredited training for a chosen cohort of primary care physicians and APPs for an in-depth review on the care of patients who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Target Audience

This activity is for Primary Care Physicians and Advanced Practice Provider. 

Educational Methods

Lecture, Panel Discussion, and Case Study

Activity Evaluation

Evaluation by questionnaire will address program content, presentation, and possible bias.

Additional Questions

For questions about the conference, contact

Series location: 
Mercy Group Medical
3000 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
United States


Session Date
LGBTQ + Comprehensive Training 09/15/23 09/15/2023 - 8:00am to 5:00pm CDT
Masculinization Therapy 11/16/2023 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm CST
Overview of Feminizing Hormone Therapy 01/18/2024 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm CST
Post-Op Care and Considerations After Facial Feminization and Masculinization Surgery 03/21/2024 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm CDT
HIV PrEP and PEP for Primary Care: A Primer with Cases 05/16/2024 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm CDT
The REAL Crucial Conversations in Patient Care and Mishaps 07/18/2024 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm CDT