14th Annual Health Care Transition Research Consortium Symposium

October 26, 2022


Virtual Conference presented through Whova event app
(Only registrants will be provided with instructions to create Whova profile)

If you have not received the virtual link, please contact Julian Gaton [email protected] .


The 14th Annual Health Care Transition Research Consortium Symposium features research presentations in the emerging field of healthcare transition (HCT). A variety of research topics of interest to researchers, clinicians, policymakers, parents, youth, and emerging adults are presented. Topics include testing of HCT models of care and programs, the HCT needs and experiences of adolescents, emerging adults and families, and provider topics pertaining to pretransition and post transition services and training. Poster sessions on HCT research will enable direct dialogue with researchers, and plenary sessions will address interdisciplinary perspectives pertaining to HCT education and curriculum development and the creation, maintenance, and evaluation of HCT programs.

Activity Director

Cecily Betz, PhD, RN, FAAN

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Additional Information

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
10/26/2022 - 8:00am CDT
Event ends: 
10/26/2022 - 4:15pm CDT

Conference offered virtually via Whova.
Connection information will be emailed to registrants 2-3 week before the conference. 

This event is not designated for CME or CE credit.


Please login or register to take this course.

PDF icon Download Flyer
(last updated: 08/30/22)


Requests for registration refunds must be in writing and received by the Division of Continuing Professional Development (DCPD) at least 10 business days before the activity begins. The date the request is received by the DCPD will be considered the cancellation date. Requests received after the refund deadline will not be processed. Cancellations are subject to a $50 administrative fee deducted from the registration fee paid to cover guarantees and other expenses. Requests should be emailed to the DCPD [email protected].

The DCPD reserves the right to cancel activities, not less than 10 business days before the scheduled date, if extenuating circumstances make it necessary. Registrants will be notified at the contact email indicated on the registration form. If an activity is cancelled, DCPD’s liability is limited to the registration fee paid. Note: If payment is made by check, a social security number is required to process the refund.